"Lyrics Explained" Explained

There are so many timeless, inventive, and genius works of art being created everyday, that sometimes a few of them fall through the cracks. My goal here is to help out everyone who doesn't have time to delve deeply into the meaning of the lyrics of todays greatest artistic expressions: songs. As with any art form, the beauty is in the layers. I hope to peel away some of the layers, read between the lines, piece the puzzle together, and use as many cliches as possible along the way. So please to enjoy the meanings as I see them of some of the best songs of our time.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Airplanes by B.O.B.

First impressions: Bob wants to pretend that airplanes are like shooting stars, because he wants to make a wish. Very superstitious, Robert wants to ensure that his wish is not wasted, and that the superstition gods approve of his substituting a shooting star with an airplane. Personally, I'd find a dandelion, wait until 11:11 or 12:21, or wait for my birthday. Seems more clear cut than a wish that may not even come true;. Those other ones are sure things. Oh shit, I forgot find a genie lamp. Good thing B.O.B. remembered for me. That's another really easy way to get a sure fire, high quality wish. None of these imported, knockoff wishes that might not even be compatible with your dreams.

It seems that Robbie wants a wish to turn back time, because the newfound fame and fortune has only brought pain. Obviously the only way to get rid of fame and fortune is to turn back time. It's really hard to get the public to forget about you. Just ask Paula Abdul. Also, money also lasts forever because stuff is just so cheap these days. There's nothing for a rich, young kid to blow his money on. Tyson knows what I'm saying. Bobby also says that he's staring at his phone hoping people don't call him back. I swear to Jesus if one more "artist" makes a song about how they cannot figure how to turn their go**am phone off I'm going to take away phone from our generation. If you can't use it, you're gonna lose it. Also, I am now unsure as to what he will use his hard-earned wish for. Maybe tech support?

The next verse talks about more specific reasons why the Bobster wants to go back in time. He no longer wants to get paid for making music. Then give away your CDs. Moving on. He then says that he's rapping to stay relevant. But he wants to be irrelevant. Thus, stop rapping (Please do this) and then you won't need a wish. These problems are beginning to look like they can all be solved relatively easily, thus eliminating the need for wishes and airplanes. He also says he wants to change the rap game and end the seemingly endless politics in said game. It seems that a career change into, say, politics would help him. What better way to waste all his money than finance a futile campaign for president. This would also make him irrelevant, as he would definitely lose. Afterall, who would vote for an incompetent, whiny rich boy with little political experience? That'll be the day that some guy becomes president for some less than legit reason...like his dad was president or something crazy like that. On second thought, he should find a wish. That'd be less dangerous for the future of America.

This is the ballad of a tortured Cobain-esque artist who now feels the pressures of fame and fortune. He thought he'd get into the game, make a lot of money, not be treated any differently, not have a phone that he has to answer all the time, and all would be good. And who can blame him? Rap feuds so rarely turn ugly and/or dangerous. He now wants to find a way to fade from public view, lose his money, break his phone, and change the politics of the rap game. The answer: wishing at airplanes. Obviously.

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